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Cynefin 1 a 2

Mae Cynefin 1 a 2 gyda'i gilydd yn gwneud diptych hardd. Cyfrannodd dri deg dau o ddisgyblion tuag at wneud y gwaith celf yma ond ni fedrwn ni ddim wedi ei gyflawni heb fod pob disgybl yn gyd weithio. Yn bersonol  fi wnaeth y glaswellt sy’n dal y llun wrth ei gilydd ac sy’n helpu i wneud cynefin perffaith ar gyfer ieir bach yr haf.  Ar  ôl sganio ‘r peintiad o’r glaswellt i’r cyfrifiadur cafodd ei ail adrodd ddeuddeg  o weithiau er mwyn gwneud y cefndir.

Cynefin 1 a 2
Cymerodd pawb yn y dosbarth ran yng nghynhyrchu'r celfwaith digidol yma. Mae 50 o ddelweddau yn y ddau lun, 32 o wahanol beintiadau o flodau gwyllt a 18 gwahanol beintiadau o ieir bach yr haf. Cafodd pob llun ei sganio i mewn i’r cyfrifiadur a chawsant eu rhoi’n haenau ar ben ei gilydd i wneud cyfanwaith lliwgar.

Cynefin 1 a 2

Cafodd blynyddoedd 5 a 6 i gyd  gyfle i gymryd rhan i gynhyrchu’r  gwaith celf ddigidol wych yma sy’n cael ei adnabod fel Cynefin 1 a 2.  Mae’n lliwgar iawn  a bydd yn boblogaidd iawn yn ein horiel gelf ar –lein.        Mae’n bendant yn ddarn o waith celf gydweithredol oherwydd nad oedd neb yn y dosbarth wedi ei adael allan.

Cwch Enfys

Wrth ddewis ein heicon roedd gan bawb ei lun personol ond wedyn roeddem am greu darn o gelf a oedd yn cysylltu â chynnwys pawb. Dewisodd pob un ei iâr fach yr haf personol i’w pheintio ac wedyn fe roddon ni nhw gyda'i gilydd yn ddigidol er mwyn creu cyfanwaith lliwgar hardd.

Rainbow Ship

When we made our icons everyone had their own personal picture but then we wanted to make a piece of art that connected and included everybody. Everyone chose their own butterfly to paint and then we put them all together digitally to create this beautiful colour composition.


Cwch Enfys

Cefais i fy ysbrydoli gan yr artist swrealaeth enwog Salvador Dali a’r llun mwyaf enwog o’i waith sef ‘Melting Watches’. Hoff lun swrealaeth ein hathrawes yw cwch iâr fach yr haf felly daethom i’r penderfyniad i greu hwnnw. Tynnodd bawb lun iâr fach yr haf a’i beintio yn ein dewis o liw. Wedyn fe sganiwyd 19 peintiad o’r ieir bach yr haf i mewn i’r cyfrifiadur eu rhoi’n haenau ar gwch i edrych fel hwyliau.

Rainbow Ship

I was inspired by the famous Surrealist artist Salvador Dali and his most famous painting 


Habitat 1 and 2

Habitat 1 and 2 together make this beautiful diptych.  Thirty two pupils contributed to making this artwork and we could not have done it without every one of those pupils all working together.  I personally did the grass which holds the picture together and helps to make a perfect habitat for the butterflies.  After scanning my painting of grass into the computer it was repeated twelve times to make the background.

Habitat 1 and 2

The whole class had a part in making this digital artwork and there are 50 different images in the two pictures, 32 different wild flower paintings and 18 different butterfly paintings.  Each picture was scanned into the computer and we layered them on top of each other to make this colourful composition.

Habitat 1 and 2

The whole class of years 5 and 6 had a part in making this wonderful digital artwork that goes by the name of Habitat 1&2.  It is a very colourful artwork and will be a big hit in our on-line art gallery.  It is definitely a collaborative piece of art because no-one in the class was left out.

is of the melting watches. Our teacher’s favourite surrealism painting is the Butterfly Ship so we decided to do that one. We each drew a butterfly and then painted it a colour we chose. After that we scanned 19 butterfly paintings into the computer and then layered them onto a ship to look like sails.

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